A non-profit delivering mental health and advocacy resources for Black men and women. I created all video, photography, editing, and design work necessary for their 2023 Redesign.

Video Content

Along with logos and photography I also captured and edited video content for the brands promotional use.

Logo Design

The Just Being logo stylistically references artistic communities that advocated for change and peace as the brand does now. 

The typography used inside the logo references 70’s black american funk artists that advocated for social change and revolution like in the curvilinear hand-drawn text used on Curtis Mayfield’s Superfly, Maggot Brain by Funkadelic, and Gogo artists like Chuck Brown. Simply, the JustBeing logo represents challenging the idea of what’s expected from black identities and as a brand that supports the arts— the logo calls back to artists who have done the same. 

Intentionally measured interacting lines throughout the symbol create a sense of vibration commonly found in 70’s music publishing. The 70s are culturally remembered for challenging social norms and the widespread use of psychedelics which caused urgency for mental health and spiritual awareness. 

The middle white lines making up the peace sign are 8 pixels wide, and all the vertical lines surrounding that are 3 pixels wide. The lines outside the logo are 5 pixels each, utilizing the golden ratio in a repeating pattern creating a vibrational effect that calls out to its community. 

The original peace sign stands for open arms between people. In this case, the upside-down symbol represents a state of vigilance and protection for the black community. In this case, the raised arms represent protection of the minds and the natural right for all people of color to pursue their happiness and above all, just be.  


"AHRI" | Graphic & Style guide Overhaul


"Greater Greater Washington" | UX Redesign