“Greater Greater Washington” Website Redesign 

In my redesign, I aimed to navigationally and visually enhance the site in order to allow its users to explore a wide variety of content in the least amount of time possible.

I felt the GGW site’s main challenges necessary for me to alter, included making the navigation design more minimal while emphasizing a clean and professional aesthetic overall.

The redesign primarily uses EB Garamond for titles and body and IBM Plex sans for its headings, these fonts were chosen for their contrast and readability across both blank backgrounds and while placed over images.

The GGW site’s primary users are working-class people with an interest in policy and DMV news. I tried to keep in mind that its users are likely looking for articles quickly on break at work or while commuting by metro; unless they want general news, they want news specific to the region they live in.

By changing the navigation to location-specific Filters, users are given precise recommendations while aesthetically decluttering the navbar.

A feeling of endlessness plagued the original GGW website. The new site uses a four-column grid that emphasizes wide images. I use imagery as a reward for successfully reaching the home page and the top of articles. The navigation page images are clickable breadcrumbs trailing users to their next fullscreen display. Furthermore, the main navbar extends farther across the screen as you get closer to reading an article and fully across when on an article page.


"Justbeing" | Creative Direction & UX Design


"AKP x Deloitte '22 Case Competition" | 1st Place Winner